
Tea in Heaven

Dear Mimi, 

I was reading through your travel journals, something I would not have done before you left. I wish I had, they are such a unique view into our travels, and I would love to talk to you about them. 

You recorded your Russia 1997 thoughts into an unassuming blue notebook. 

Towards the end of our trip, you wrote this:

At end of mtg. I didn't minister - no strength, and my Russian lady, friend whose feet I'd prayed for, came + found me. I'd prayed w/her on diff. days, but never w/an interpreter, so we'd never exchanged words that were understood, but many hugs that were. 
She came, with her bags, and I cleared the chair next to me. We hugged + spoke + prayed. Had our picture taken + I said 'Spa-si-ba'. She said 'Spa-si-ba E das vi dan ya' - my 1st Russian goodbye. We prayed more w/ea. other, took turns speaking words we knew the other couldn't understand, and not being bothered by the lack of translation at all. when there was an announcement about having to empty the auditorium, we hugged with tears, and I told her I felt we'd be very close friends if we could live closeby, and that I could imagine us having tea together in Heaven. As she left, she stopped every 2 steps and looked back at me - I remained turned backwards in my seat so I could see her - at the top of the landing she blew kisses and made hand gestures about her heart being with me.

Thinking about a tea party with you and your Russian lady makes me smile. Thinking about all the lives that you touched, all the hearts that were and are with you, and the way you really and truly cared about every person you met, makes me proud to have come from you. Save a place for me at the tea party.




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