
A Season of Thanksgiving - Universal Truth 2.7

Dear Mimi,

I'm a card-carrying member of the Choose Your 'Tude squad. I repeat the phrase with great consistency to myself and the people around me. ('Choose your 'tude! Choose your 'tude! Choose! Your! 'Tude!) And I think those people would be surprised to know that I don't think of myself as naturally cheery -- I'm quite inclined to melancholy. But even when I was a hormonal teenager, you embraced my moods while reinforcing Universal Truth 2.7.

                     Universal Truth 2.7
                         You choose 
                how you respond to the life 
               that happens around and to you.
      This means that you have options in every situation.                                                                     
           the ones that seem out of your control.

I remember being that teenage girl, staring at you as if you were quite mad, and thinking, 'What is this nonsense?' But after rolling my eyes (I'm sure I did), and halfheartedly agreeing to 'try it out', I realized that you were quite right. So I choose my attitude, every day. And lately, I've been working on thanks-giving. I want to exercise gratitude and give thanks for the many blessings and wonders in my life and the world in which I live. I want to actively participate and enjoy the richness to be found in this life, and I can't do that unless I see and appreciate and am thankful for everything. Everything? Every-thing, everything?
     Even those stupid ants that keep overrunning my yard?
  And that lady at the grocery store who gave me the stink-eye?

Yes, I think I need to choose Thanksgiving for the good, the slightly annoying, and the real-awful-bad. I think that's what you would advise. It is certainly what you practiced. I know, I know, it sounds crazy, but let's think about it.

Easy things to be thankful for, in no particular order -
    my husband and son
        a house I own and can decorate however I like
           that pay raise I wasn't expecting
                  my adorable nail beds
              the Little One
        Sister Cousin, 8, and Shanz - the ladies who stood by 
        me when I married, as they have, always
But what about those FREAKING ants?

They are just ants, after all - it's not like they said, 'Hey! Look at that A lady. She looks like we could really bug (ha) the poop out of her if we went NUTS in her yard! Yeah! Let's go to HER house!!'
     They are a part of creation, following their instincts.
        And they are fascinating to watch.
           They only bite when I'm trying to destroy their 
           home...I would do the same!
I guess I can accept ants. Give thanks for the wonder of their creation. My plants must be lush and healthy if the ants have chosen my yard as their home - that is certainly something to be thankful for.

Ooh, but the lady! With the stink-eye! Maybe she DID single me out!
              ..........and if she did?.......    
                  (I can hear you asking this.)                                                        
          ........so what?

Maybe she's having a bad day, or the sun was in her eyes, or she thinks my purple paisley scarf is garish, or she hates brunettes, or she was trying to remember the GDP of Iceland, or she can't believe someone would let their hair grow so long, or she was doing long division in her head, or the cabbage bin next to her was emitting a foul odor.
                  ....so what?
I will choose to be thankful that I have money to buy my groceries, and healthy legs and arms to walk and push my cart, and good eyesight (and glasses) that allow me to see the look on that lady's face. And for the lady - I can be thankful for the lady. She's just a lady, and I can't presume to know what was going through her mind. This lady is a miracle of creation! And whoever she is, and whatever is going through her head, I want to wish and hope the best for her. I want her to be filled with love and peace. I will pray blessings on her while exercising my thanksgiving for the intricacies and wonderment of my existence here. And maybe when I pass by her cart, I'll let her know that it's 12.134 million US dollars. The GDP of Iceland, that is.

But cancer? Really and truly? I think it sounds ridiculous - being thankful for cancer. I'm concerned that if I said that out loud, the villagers would arrive with pitchforks and torches, and run me out of town. Little old ladies on the street would hit me with their purses, and small children would kick my shins. 

But -- I am thankful for who I am, and how I have grown, and the things I have learned while you had the cancer. 
     And I am thankful for all the time we made to spend together that we otherwise might not have prioritized.
       I am thankful for the amazing people we met in doctor's offices and chemo rooms, and even the strangers who recognized the cancer on you/us and offered support.
          The few friends who remained to stand by me are unfathomably precious to me - I would fight lions while covered in raw meat armed only with a spork for these few. They have done the same for me.
     I now know how strong you really taught me to be, and that it runs deep - much deeper than I suspected. 

These are very good things. These are things worth FIGHTING for. And if they are worth fighting lions, they are certainly worthy of my thanksgiving. And not my whiny 'I guess I can' teenage eye-rolling, or any half-hearted, 98%, one pom-pom thanksgiving. No! This is a standing on top of the mountain, with my hands in the air, screaming with everything I have:

     THANK YOU! 

         THANK YOU GOD! 


And, thank YOU, Mimi. For teaching me Universal Truth 2.7, among so many other life lessons. You gave me all the tools I needed to stand on my own, while remaining within arms reach. After everything, we still stand - though separated - and how can I feel anything other than exuberant thanksgiving for that!?                 



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