
Everyone Who Knows You Will Know What a 'Mimi' Dress Looks Like

Dear Mimi,

I am wearing a 'Mimi' dress today. Even though I am sitting at my desk, in my office, having driven here in my car, from the house that I own...I feel like a little girl. The dress fits me. The sleeves are not too long, I do not trip on the bottom -- but I am amazed that this is so. Am I not eight years old? Shouldn't we be in the house in Orange? These mis-matched earring on your ears, and this dress tented around my frame? If I close my eyes, you are teaching me about purple eye shadow and how to properly clean a paintbrush and not putting stock in anyone else's opinion of me.

When my co-workers commented on my lovely dress, I did not tell them it was yours. I couldn't. If I did, wouldn't they see through me? Wouldn't they see the little girl, dressed up in your clothes? 




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